Thursday, July 18, 2013

Picking the beans

This is my favorite time of summer. It is HOT as it should be. Sadly the greens and broccoli don't like that, but the tomatoes and peppers love it and looking out today, it looks like we'll have plenty of peppers at least. Johnny Pepper Seed got a bit carried away.
Since our daughters set up the cold frames so we could put the plants out early, it looks like we're going to have tomatoes earlier than we ever have. The tomatoes are still green, but they're growing and some will probably be ready in two weeks.
We are picking bush green beans now, my favorite garden vegetable. Well, next to Swiss chard.
I was talking to a coworker this morning about replanting beans after they're done producing. As long as the plants are healthy, just leave them, because they will bear more fruit with a second season of picking in 4 to 6 weeks. I didn't know this until a neighbor told me, after I had pulled my plants and replanted. That was many years ago and I never forgot that lesson.

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