Saturday, April 25, 2015

Those dirty worms make the garden better

1. To start a worm farm, get a wooden container that has holes. Small holes can be drilled into the container, but not big enough for escapees. Plastic containers aren't a good choice because they keep the worm farm too wet. You also need a lid to keep the rain out.
2. Add bedding material like dead plants, leaves and/or newspaper clippings and some soil.
3. Add green material like household fruit and vegetable scraps and egg shells.
4. Just add worms. You can dig them up in your yard. (A great place to find worms is under dead wood in moist areas. Don't dig them up from the garden though, leave those there. If all else fails, you can buy them at various places. The best composting worms are Red Wigglers, according to several reports. I saw Gurney's is selling them in their garden catalog.
5. Periodically, add more bedding material and scraps.
This article tells all about worm composting:

Having worms in the garden has many benefits, such as aerating the soil to allow better water flow and breaking down organic matter. For composting outside the garden, the benefit of worms is in their excrement. But if you don't want to compost with worms, there's a Waterford man who has bagged worm waste for purchase at Walmart. His company is called Earthworm Castings Unlimited and the product is Earthworm Castings Soil Enricher.

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