Monday, June 20, 2011

Swiss chard heaven

What a strange spring it has been. Most of our garden is doing well, but the peas never came up, even after planting the second time. One word, moles. I picked our first batch of Swiss chard, young leaves. It was so tender and delicious, just heated with a bit of water and salt and pepper. Here's my favorite Swiss chard recipe.

Swiss Chard
olive oil
1/4 red onion, diced
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/8 tsp. dried crushed red pepper, to taste
1 bunch of Swiss chard, washed and chopped

2 Tablespoons water
salt and pepper, to taste

Saute the onion, garlic and red pepper. Then add the rest of the ingredients and heat on medium heat for 10 minutes. As a variation, add substitute 1 tablespoon of water for vinegar and add smoked turkey or ham pieces.

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